Некоторое время тому проявилась непонятная ситуация с диагностикой Дерева.
После установки в сеть 411 сервера 51 (с НДС), на сервере 411
DSREPAIR обнаруживает 2 ошибки. В то же время на 51 - никаких ош. нет.
Визуально ош. проявляется в тот момент. когда заканчивается проверка Дерева и начинается сканирование томов.
Работать не мешало, но ноне принято решение проводить в сети большие изменения и начинать их хотелось бы с "чистого " Дерева.
Подскажите, что следует (и следует ли) предпринять или придется с этим жить.
NW411(SP9,DS617,RW) + NW51(SP5,DS760c,MR).
Особых работ не ведется - только файловый сервис по ИПХ.
Ситуация постоянная вне зависимости от того, кто стоит мастером.
Netware 4.1 Directory Services Repair 4.72d, DS 6.17
Log file for server "AAAA.222222222.333.444" in tree "TREE_1"
** Automated Repair Mode **
Repairing Local Database
Start: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 7:33:32 pm Local Time
Opening temporary files
Schema Attribute Definition, Object ID: 01000100, RDN: T
Unknown operational attribute definition was not checked
Schema Attribute Definition, Object ID: 01000101, RDN: Purge Vector
Unknown operational attribute definition was not checked
Schema Attribute Definition, Object ID: 01000102, RDN: Synchronization Tolerance
Unknown operational attribute definition was not checked
Schema Attribute Definition, Object ID: 01000103, RDN: Password Management
Unknown operational attribute definition was not checked
Schema Attribute Definition, Object ID: 01000104, RDN: Used By
Unknown operational attribute definition was not checked
Schema Attribute Definition, Object ID: 01000105, RDN: Uses
Unknown operational attribute definition was not checked
Schema Attribute Definition, Object ID: 01000106, RDN: Obituary Notify
Unknown operational attribute definition was not checked
Schema Attribute Definition, Object ID: 01000107, RDN: GUID
Unknown operational attribute definition was not checked
Schema Attribute Definition, Object ID: 01000108, RDN: ther GUID
Unknown operational attribute definition was not checked
Schema Class Definition, Object ID: 01000109, RDN: Tree Root
Unknown operational class definition was found
Generating Schema Cache
Read Write : TREE_1
Total Objects = 205, UNKNOWN class objects = 0, Total Values = 13900
Total Objects = 0, UNKNOWN class objects = 0, Total Values = 0
Total External References in this database = 0, Not backlinked = 0
Class : SAS:Security needed no changes.
Class : NDPS Manager needed no changes.
Class : NDPS Manager needed no changes.
Checking mail directories
Checking stream syntax files
Repair process completed, total errors found = 0
Finish: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 7:34:23 pm Local Time
Total repair time: 0:00:52
** Automated Repair Mode **
Repairing server network addresses
Start: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 7:34:23 pm Local Time
Checking server: BBBBB.222222222.333.444
Found a network address property on the server object:
Address Type= (IPX), data[12]= BBBBBBBB0000000000010451
Checking server address in Replica ID: 4, [Root]
Checking server: AAAA.222222222.333.444
Found a network address property on the server object:
Address Type= (IPX), data[12]= AAAAAAAA0000000000010451
Checking server address in Replica ID: 4, [Root]
** Automated Repair Mode **
Verifying / Repairing the remote server ID list
Start: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 7:34:23 pm Local Time
Server ID: 040000FA, This server's ID on the remote server: 0C0000C9
Warning: remote DN for the remote ID is: CN=AAAA.OU=222222222.OU=333.O=444.T=TREE_1.
OK, authenticated to server: BBBBB.222222222.333.444
** Automated Repair Mode **
Repairing replica ring
Start: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 7:34:24 pm Local Time
Replica Ring for replica: [Root]
Remote server's local ID: 010000BA
Remote server's replica root ID: 010000B6
Remote server name is: AAAA.222222222.333.444
OK - Authenticated to server
Remote server's local ID: 040000FA
Remote server's replica root ID: 7A0000C4
Remote server name is: BBBBB.222222222.333.444
Warning - Remote DN for this partition is: T=TREE_1.
OK - Authenticated to server
** Automated Repair Mode **
Volume Object and Trustee Check
Start: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 7:34:24 pm Local Time
Тут ош. уже видна
Volume: SYS, object ID: 010000F0, CN=AAAA_SYS.OU=222222222.OU=333.O=444.TREE_1
Checking trustees on volume: SYS
Repair process aborted
** Automated Repair Mode **
Finish: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 7:34:30 pm Local Time
Total repair time: 0:00:59