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Remove Drive From Environment
Registry Key:
HKLM\Network\Novell\System Config\NetWare DOS Requester\REMOVE DRIVE FROM ENVIRONMENT
Registry Value: [string] 0
Default Value: NO (OFF)
Range: YES, NO (GUI shows this as ON, OFF, registry uses YES, NO)
Client Version: Implemented by at least the 95/98 Client version 3.0 or higher.
Description: Controls whether or not network drive letters (all drive letters between the First Network Drive and Z:)are removed from the PATH variable when a drive mapping is removed/deleted or during login (removes all network drive letters assuming the ones needed will be remapped and added to the path during login). So if the AUTOEXEC.BAT defines a PATH statement that includes a network drive letter (i.e. pointing to a drive letter that will be mapped to an NT or other non-NetWare server during the persistent drive reconnecting), it will be removed during login to Netware unless this parameter is set to Off.[/url]