Хрен шо добавишь к сказанному Иваном.
для OES11 официально писали так
https://www.novell.com/documentation/oe ... lot2c.html( в самом низу, под "note ". кстати, я сразу и не заметил

9.0 Management Tools for NSS
This section identifies the various tools for managing the Novell Storage Services file system.
Section 9.1, Novell iManager and Storage-Related Plug-Ins
Section 9.2, NSS Management Utility (NSSMU) Quick Reference
Section 9.3, NSS Commands and Utilities
Section 9.4, Novell NetStorage
Section 9.5, Novell Remote Manager
Section 9.6, Novell Client
Section 9.7, Virtual File Services, APIs, and Scripts
Section 9.8, Novell Linux Volume Manager (NLVM)
NOTE: NSS also supports the use of third-party tools on both kernels for advanced data protection and management, virus scanning, and traditional archive and backup solutions.
ConsoleOne is no longer supported by Novell. In an NSS file system, ConsoleOne was used to manage trustees and attributes for directories and files. Since the release of OES 11 SP2, all these operations can be performed using the latest iManager. Ensure that you have applied the latest patches and have installed the latest iManager plug-ins. For more information, see Section 20.1.6, Managing Rights.
а для oes2015, такое-же место, выглядит так:
"ConsoleOne is no longer supported by Novell. In an NSS file system, ConsoleOne was used to manage trustees and attributes for directories and files. Beginning with OES 2015, all these operations can be performed using the latest iManager. Ensure that you have applied the latest patches and have installed the latest iManager plug-ins. For more information, see Section 21.1.6, Managing Rights. "