Аркадий Глазырин » 11 июн 2004, 12:39
To get Printer working on Windows 2000:
1. Extract the files from NTPRINT.EXE
2. Copy the files English\NPRINTER.CPL and English\NPRINTER.EXE to the C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32 directory.
3. Open Start\Settings\Control Panel. The printer icon should now be displayed on the control panel. Open the printer icon and set up the printer to be serviced.
4. From the command prompt, run NPRINTER.EXE. The command should be: NPRINTER /I
In the tests that were done, the print jobs went to the NDPS printer agent and then were sent to the local W2K printer servicing the printer agent. The PSM did report a "Communication Error", but the count of jobs printed was correct, and jobs did move to the local printer.
Engineering is aware of these problems. However, the product will not be fixed and is unsupported on Windows 2000. There will not be any NPRINTER for Windows 2000.
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