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Управление правами на NSS из командной строки

СообщениеДобавлено: 03 дек 2007, 09:22
Антон Фридрих
Ищется утилита командной строки для управлением правами на тома NSS. Сервера OES Linux. Может кто подскажет.

СообщениеДобавлено: 03 дек 2007, 11:18
Андрей Фисенко
Антон! Ты что? С дуба рухнул?

rights --help


Usage: rights [OPTIONS]
rights [ROPTIONS] trustee USERNAME
rights [FOPTIONS] delete USERNAME
rights [ROPTIONS] irf
rights [FOPTIONS] effective [USERNAME]
rights [FOPTIONS] inherited USERNAME
rights [FOPTIONS] show

The action to be taken is indicated by the first argument
trustee : Add or modify a trustee on a file/directory
delete : Remove a trustee from a file/directory
irf : Set the inherited rights filter on a directory
effective : Display a user's effective rights
inherited : Display the inheritance for a user to a file
show : Display the trustees and inherited rights filter

-v, --version Display the program version information version
-h, --help Display the help screen

FOPTIONS (options for all commands except --help and --version)
-f, --file=filename The name of file/directory to be used in the operation.
If not specified the current directory is used.
-r, --rights=MASK The rights for the operation.
For trustees, if no rights are assigned then the trustee is removed. If not specified the default is read and file scan.
For inherited rights filters the default is all rights are inherited
-f, --file=filename The name of file/directory to be used in the operation.
If not specified the current directory is used.

USERNAME The username is the name of an eDirectory object
including the tree name
MASK The mask is a string of characters with each character
representing a type of rights:
s Supervisor
r Read
w Write
c Create
e Erase
m Modify
f File scan
a Access control
none No rights
all All rights

Example: rights -f /designs/topsecret -r rwfc trustee joe.engineer.acme_tree

This command adds read, write, file scan, and create rights to the /designs/topsecret directory for user joe in the engineer context of the acme directory tree.

СообщениеДобавлено: 03 дек 2007, 11:23
Антон Фридрих
вот спасибо большущее, даже и не знал про такую )