Добрый день
есть необходимость ежедневно синхронизировать данные с Netware 6.5 ( несколько серверов) на OES2 SP2a (linux) + права на файловую систему. Запускаться все (скрипты ) должно с сервера приемника.
Если по поводу переноса файлов вопросов нет - это rsync , то как права синхрить (на раз два) пока не понятно.
Если бы это надо сделать один раз то вопросов нет , тем же Adrem Server Managerom можно быстро управиться .
Кто что думает по этому поводу ?
Может сначала на Netware по крону запускать trustee.nlm а потом результат преобразовывать в правильный вид и скармливать линуксовой команде rights ?
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there is one such utility (it is actually a part of migfiles)
if you take a look in /opt/novell/ncpserv/sbin/ of your OES2 server you will find a utility "tcnvlnx.nlm"
Copy this to your sys:\system directory on netware and just load the file.
It will scan all filerights and ownerships of volumes and put it in xml files located in sys:\etc\tcnvlnx\
----------------- Caution, the following can mess up your server ---------------------
For the really brave admins, this file is the exact same syntax as the file _NETWARE\.trustee_database.xml on your OES2 volume.
You can replace this trustee_database file with the generated file as following:
copy the volume.xml to the _NETWARE directory
after that, as root issue the commands :
- chmod 700 .trustee_database.xml
- mv .trustee_database.xml .trustee_database.xml.old
- cp <volume.xml> .trustee_database.xml
- chmod 000 .trustee_database.xml
after this action, restart your server to let NSS read the XML file (only at startup of NSS it seems).
Кто пробовал ?
Here is a part of a script I wrote to migrate data from Netware to OES2.
I use mls and migrights which are installed by novell-migration.rpm
migcred -i NWsrvIPaddr -l
#you are prompted to enter your credentials
mls -s NWsrvIPaddr -v DATA:/DIR --use-casa > /tmp/trustees.yaml
sed -i -e 's#'DATA:/DIR'#'OESVOLNAME:/OESPath'#' /tmp/trustbar.yaml
#In case of the paths are not the same on the source and the target
sed -i -e 's/file/dst-file/' /tmp/trustbar.yaml
migrights -i /tmp/trustbarUTF8.yaml
It works well for me.
*********************** из документации ****************************
Tree-to-Tree Migration with Trustees Already Migrated to the New Tree and Reorganized in the New Tree.
The following example shows how to migrate data from a source NetWare server in one tree to a target OES 2 Linux server in another tree. In this example, the target volume is an NSS volume, and the users have already been migrated by using tools like Novell Identity Manager so that they now reside in different contexts in the target tree. In this example, the migration tools are used only to only migrate the data and map the trustees correctly.
Create a list of files and trustees on volume V1 on the source server with IP address
mls -s -V V1 > mls.yaml
Match the users on the source server to the users on the target server:
migmatchup -s -d -k ‘ou=re-org,o=company’ > migmatchup.yaml
migmatchup searches for the trustees in their source context. If it doesn't find a matching trustee, it searches the container specified with the -k option recursively and matches the first trustee with the same name. If the trustee with the same name is not found, it is not matched.
If the trustee name is changed, then the output of migmatchup can be edited so that each source trustee is mapped to the corresponding user on the target tree.
(Conditional) When you are migrating to a NCP Linux volume, if you want to preserve file ownership in the target tree, you should LUM-enable the migrated users before continuing. For more information on LUM-enabling users, see LUM Implementation Suggestions in the OES 2 SP2: Planning and Implementation Guide.
Migrate the data from source volume SRCVOL to target NSS volume TGTVOL:
migfiles -s -V SRCVOL -x /media/nss/TGTVOL/ -i --no-trustees
After the users have been migrated (this only needs to be done once), various data volumes can be migrated. Repeat this command to migrate other volumes on the source server.
Map the trustee rights on the source server:
maprights -V SRCVOL --matchup-file migmatchup.yaml -x /media/nss/TGTVOL/ mls.yaml > maprights.yaml
Migrate the trustee rights to the target server:
migrights -i maprights.yaml
Repeat Step 5 and Step 6 for each source volume being migrated.