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Free GroupWise 7 Administrator's Reference Quick Start Card

СообщениеДобавлено: 02 окт 2006, 07:35
Андрей Тр. aka RH
In partnership with Novell, BrainStorm, Inc., the Novell Authorized End-User Training Partner, is pleased to introduce its Novell GroupWise 7 Administrator's Reference Quick Start Card.

This card includes basic to advanced information on administrating Novell GroupWise 7 and also includes little-known GWCHECK switches (gathered from several well-known GroupWise gurus) to handle a complete diagnosis of your GroupWise system.

Just fill in your information below and we will ship an 8.5 x 11-inch trifold card with six full pages of step-by-step illustrated instructions, hints, tips, and tricks for administrating your GroupWise 7 system.

Plus, if you check the box below you will also receive helpful GroupWise tips and tricks, GroupWise information and announcements, and special GroupWise offers from Novell and BrainStorm.

*Some restrictions apply. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.


Интересно, пришлют ли в Россию - по крайней мере в списке стран Russian Federation там есть.

СообщениеДобавлено: 25 июн 2007, 07:18
Антон Фридрих
По GW прислали :-)
Нашел еще одну, может кому интересно

Free* Novell Open Enterprise Server Administrator's Command Reference Quick Start Card
In partnership with Novell, BrainStorm, Inc., the Novell Authorized End-User Training Partner, is pleased to introduce its Novell Open Enterprise Server Administrator's Command Reference Quick Start Card.

This card includes basic to advanced information on Open Enterprise Server commands and functions.

To receive your free card, complete this brief survey and we will ship an 8.5 x 11-inch trifold card with six full pages of step-by-step illustrated instructions, hints, tips, and tricks for administrating your Novell Open Enterprise Server.

*Some restrictions apply. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.


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