Riskator » 27 июл 2010, 15:03
[NCPSync Config]
# Source NDS Tree name (example: Source Tree:nds_s_tree)
# Source NDS user name (example: .user.ctx)
# Source User plain-text password (example: pass555#)
# use ncpsync-passwd.exe utility to generate
# Source Server to sync (example: .serv6.ctx)
# Source path on server (example: SYS:\tmp)
# Destination NDS Tree name (example: Destination Tree:nds_d_tree)
# May be commented, if SourceTree = DestinationTree
# Destination NDS user name (example: .user.abc)
# May be commented, if SourceUser = DestinationUser
# Destination User plain-text password (example: abcd)
# May be commented, if SourceUser = DestinationUser
# Destination User secured password (example: BF6271ECEE62E6C94BF2FA3D51DC28D65DE1A33EC4E8DCFE28BAE1A5D3FC8029557CF3CBEE93D2D88B7CE9C3CAF94ADBDB15E5187E04B60F47DBF243)
# use ncpsync-passwd.exe utility to generate
# May be commented, if SourceUser = DestinationUser
# Destination Server to sync (example: .destserv.abc)
# Destination path on server (example: SYS:\tmp)
# Maximum sync block size in Kilobytes.
# Supported values: 1<->20480
BufferSize: 1024
# Erase (or not) files, that reside on destination, but not found on source
# Supported keywords: "On"/"Off" and "Yes"/"No"
EraseOldFiles: Off
# Sleep interval between sync's [seconds] (example: 3600)
# Used when 'TimeToSync' is not set.
SleepInterval: 3600
# Time to begin directory sync. (example: 21:00)
# Values list allowed. (';' - separated)
# For example: TimeTosync: 21:00;22:00;23:00;07:00;08:00;12:00
#TimeToSync: 21:00
TimeToSync: 17:04
# Month day to begin directory sync. (example: 1,2,5,8,12,15,20,27,30)
# Works with cooperation with WeekDayToSync. i.e. To begin sync, we need for
# current_month_day = MonthDayToSync and current_week_day = WeekDayToSync !
#MonthDayToSync: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31
# Week day to begin directory sync. (example: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
# 1-Sunday 2-Monday ...
# Works with cooperation with MonthDayToSync. i.e. To begin sync, we need for
# current_month_day = MonthDayToSync and current_week_day = WeekDayToSync !
#WeekDayToSync: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
# Always use ASCII (8bit) NCP. Even UTF8 NCP available.
# UTF8 NCP supported by
# NetWare Server: 6.5 SP2 or later
# Client: 4.90 SP2 or later
# Supported keywords: "On"/"Off" and "Yes"/"No"
# Print additional debug info when syncing
# Supported keywords: "On"/"Off" and "Yes"/"No"
Debug: Off
# Use file logging.
LogFile: SYS:\ncpsync\ncpsync.log
# Maximum log file size in Megabytes.
LogSize: 600